Notice the many-flowered nodes, here with spent flowers S. Reeve
The tree has a pleasing weeping appearance when it is bearing the weight of the flower panicles. This is a low water use plant. I barely water it and it grew this large in two years. Almost lost this plant to gophers at one point as they ate many of the roots. In spite of the hairy leaves that normally make a plant less palatable to herbivores, Malacothamnus is a deer and rabbit favorite.
Weeping panicles of flowers at terminal ends of branches S. Reeve
As many of you probably know, I garden primarily for wildlife. My garden is full of plants with high wildlife value, and this one is no exception. White Checkered Skippers and West Coast Lady butterflies use Malacothamnus as a host plant. Additional butterfly species nectar on the flowers. Native ground-nesting bees in the Genus Diadasia favor this plant and males can be found sleeping in the flowers at night. Bowl-shaped petals hide the bee and also make it very convenient for the boys to find eligible females in the morning. Diadasia species are very cute little furry bees that specialize in Malvaceae. Female Diadasia are important pollinators of this plant and carry the pollen back to the nest on the long hairs of their hind legs. Look for them visiting Sphaeralcea flowers too.
Diadasia species in the flower of Malacothamnus fremontii Photo by Hartmut Wisch
Other wildlife use this plant too. Anna's hummingbirds are known to pick insects out of the open blooms. Bushtits and other birds eat the seeds in the fall. Ground squirrels also eat the seeds.
Close-up shot of a flower S. Reeve
To grow this plant well it needs well-draining sandy loam soil. It can grow in clay if it on a slope or otherwise well-drained. A slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soil pH is best. Malacothamnus is drought tolerant and heat tolerant. Root systems of these plants are wide-spreading and make them well-suited to secure a hillside. Unfortunately, the plant is not long-lived, which seems to be the case with most fast-growing shrubs and trees. Don't be afraid to prune as much as you need to maintain a good form or denser branching.
Closeup of the leaf and flower S. Reeve
From what I have read, this plant can sucker to form a thicket, yet I have not seen this in my garden. You can dig up suckers and replant elsewhere. I have definitely seen another species, Malacothamnus jonesii, sucker. I think if I watered more I would see more suckering, but I have not. I had Malacothamnus jonesii for several years and it mysteriously and suddenly died. It was a beautiful silver-foliaged plant. Luckily, it put out a couple of suckers before it was no more. I have a sneaking suspicion that my summer watering killed it, as it has killed other natives in the past before I figured out I shouldn't water some of my natives in the summer. It can withstand cold temperatures down to 10-20 degrees F. If you enjoy watching the wildlife that plants can bring you should try growing Malacothamnus densiflorus.
Does this need full sun?